
The Lodge meets at The Keep, Bedford Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire on the first Tuesday in the months of February (Installation), March, April, May October and December.

The Standing Committee meets on the Friday before a Lodge meeting which is immediately followed by an Officers meeting.
The Lodge of Instruction meets on the Second Tuesday in the months of January, February, March, April (AGM), May, June, September, October, November and December.

 The Worshipful Master

Masonry has certainly proved to me to be a challenging science, it takes time, effort and determination to progress through the various degrees.

It also has its rewards, a sense of enormous wellbeing and pride when ritual has been demonstrated to the high stand to which we aspire.

And, of course, the massive good we all help to achieve by the huge range of charities that we all support, and it is here, by our support and donations worldwide which demonstrates the true goodness of Freemasonry.”

W Bro Neil Barrett

Worshipful Master of Gilbert Inglefield Lodge No. 8009

February 2023