
We do not guarantee that websites accessed by links on this page are either Masonic in nature, or have been approved or endorsed by the United Grand Lodge of England. We specifically do not warrant that any other websites accessible from their pages are recognised by, or have the approval of, the United Grand Lodge of England. “Gilbert Inglefield Lodge No. 8009”

United Grand Lodge of England
Freemasonry under the United Grand Lodge of England has grown to an organisation of over 330,000 members grouped in nearly 8,000 lodges

Provincial Grand Lodge of Bedfordshire
The Province of Bedfordshire has 56 Lodges with an approximate net membership of just under 2000.

The Keep Ltd
The home of Lodges and other side orders in the Town of Bedford.

Freemasonry Today
The Independent voice of Freemasonry a quarterly magazine for everyone with an interest in Freemasonry.